Contributing time, talent, and ideas to Grid Chicago


Drew Baker is one of over 60 contributors to our photo pool on Flickr. 

We appreciate all of our readers. We appreciate that our readership has grown month after month. Some readers have asked how they can contribute to Grid Chicago. There are many ways!

Social Networking

The easiest way to contribute is to share our articles with your friends and followers on the various social network sites we have. We post on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Google Plus. We’re trying to use these platforms for more than just linking to articles on Grid Chicago. You’ll see links to other stories and websites we find interesting. 

In addition to sharing on those websites, there are buttons at the bottom of each article that allow you to quickly forward that article to your networks on Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, LinkedIn, and StumbleUpon.

Ideas and tips

We like it when you comment, and have discussions with us and other readers. The comments are a great way for us (John and I) to know what’s going on and what people think about the topics we write.

If you’ve got an idea for a story or a new feature on the website (or how if we made some modification to the site we’d have 100 new subscribers), please email us.

You may have noticed we started a calendar of events in the sidebar. It runs off of this full Google Calendar. If there’s an event about sustainable transportation that should be listed, please email us.


We are always looking for people to write articles (we’ve had six guest contributors so far!), but if you’re willing to donate your time in other ways, you could become a “photo correspondent” or create videos about events or transportation projects – contact us.


  • Photos – Share directly through the Grid Chicago group on Flickr. When we need a photo for an article, we look here first. Additionally these photos appear on the Photos page for others to view. The sidebar also shows photos, selecting randomly from the latest thirty.
  • Videos – If you’ve got a video on Vimeo, we can add it to our channel there. For YouTube, you’ll just have to send us a link and we could publish it.
  • Network – We have this little known feature called the Grid Chicago Network, where articles from other sites that publish articles on sustainable transportation are listed. You can suggest a new link, or you can embed the widget in your site (instructions are at the bottom of this page).

Monetary support

Making Grid Chicago happen at least five days a week is essentially a part-time job for us. We accept donations via PayPal and we are always seeking new sponsors.

3 thoughts on “Contributing time, talent, and ideas to Grid Chicago”

  1. What would you think of a south side-focused piece that’s the flipside of my previous piece about problems with existing conditions?  This could focus on how the south side could benefit for Streets for Cycling and include photos of cool destinations that would be easier to reach with improved bike infrastructure.

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