Last night John and I attended the Bike Winter closing party and fashion show, at the Gala Gallery (1000 N Milwaukee Avenue). Al Schorch was hilarious as the emcee, as usual. The event was one of many fundraisers throughout the year for West Town Bikes, a community DIY and learning bike shop in Humboldt Park.
Ian tests the brakes on a Civia Halsted (Minneapolis) cycle truck cargo bike wearing Levi’s 511 Commuter jeans. I was going to buy some that evening after seeing how cool they are and didn’t have my size!
Ash shows off vintage clothing from Lucite Box riding a Pashley Britannia (UK).
Chris rides a Brompton (UK) folding bicycle wearing Levi’s 511 Commuter trousers.
Lisa is also wearing clothes from Lucite Box and riding a Pashley. She’s an urban planner like myself.
Steven: Who was the announcer for the fashion show? He was hilarious! Props to him as well as the “models”, the puppeteers & the Racketeers! Great show all around.
The emcee’s name is Al Schorch (I may have misspelled his last name). He is really good at this kind of stuff and emcees West Town Bikes events often. He’s also in a band.
Thanks for the photos and the props, guys! That was really fun.
It was a great time!