Steven and John collaborated on this post. All photos by David Lepeska
You may have noticed that recently Steven and I have been posting more frequently and have started including a Today’s Headlines section first thing in the morning. Those of you who follow the Streetsblog family of transportation news sites may be experiencing déjà vu. It’s no coincidence: we’ve been gearing up to launch Streetsblog Chicago, which goes live next Tuesday, January 22. Needless to say, we’re extremely excited.
While Grid Chicago will go dormant at that time, we’re going to leave the site up as an archive. With Streetsblog Chicago we’ll be shifting to a bit more news-centered focus, with a higher quantity of more timely posts, covering a broader range of sustainable transportation and public space topics. We’re confident the change is going to result in Chicago’s walking, biking and transit issues getting more attention than ever, both locally and nationwide. Here’s a message from Streetsblog editor-in-chief Ben Fried on why the time is right for Streetsblog Chicago.
We’d like to thank you, our readers, for your loyal support these past two years. We invite you join us in celebrating the new site with a launch party next Thursday, January 24, 6-9 pm, in the second floor lounge of Revolution Brewing, 2323 N. Milwaukee. Hope to see you there!
Read Steven’s perspective on how Grid Chicago came to be, and how we came to be Streetsblog Chicago, after the jump.
Steven’s Grid Chicago / Streetsblog Chicago origin story
Back in 2010, I started corresponding with Streetsblog’s Ben Fried about getting a version of the site started in Chicago. Streetsblog was my favorite transportation blog and I viewed it as the gold standard in local, grassroots transportation news writing. I wasn’t alone. Getting a Streetsblog up and running in Chicago had been an elusive goal for many people involved in the local sustainable transportation and planning scene.
On a visit to New York that year, I met Ben at the OpenPlans office in Lower Manhattan. We spoke about how Streetsblog NYC started in 2006 and how they launched each subsequent city. What I took away was that in order to produce a site like Streetsblog, you need the funding to hire people who can devote a lot of time to it. I left New York excited about all the progressive transportation changes taking place there, but thinking that I probably wouldn’t be starting a Streetsblog in Chicago.
I’d had my personal blog, Steven Can Plan, since 2007, and that’s where I expressed my perspectives on cities and transportation, but I wanted to publish more frequently and reach a wider audience. I needed a partner. Fast forward to spring 2011. I was speaking to my friend Kevin Monahan about my desire to create a more popular blog to discuss transportation issues in Chicago, with a bent on advocating for more and better walking, biking, and transit infrastructure.
Kevin told me to get in touch with John Greenfield, an acquaintance of mine who, like me, had previously worked on bike parking projects at the Chicago Department of Transportation (he left a bit before I started there). At the time John was writing a sustainable transportation blog called Vote With Your Feet, and he was also interested in creating a more ambitious website.
I contacted John in May to propose a partnership. We met at Taqueria La Zacatecana in Avondale and for an hour, munching on burritos, we hashed out our goals for this website we both wanted to build. While we knew we’d be spending a lot of time on the site and would need to earn money from it, that wasn’t as important as launching quickly. What made the timing so crucial was that Mayor Emanuel had released a groundbreaking transition plan with several bold goals to improve bicycling. We had to be there to cover it. We launched Grid Chicago in June 2011, and we quickly gained a loyal readership and a roster of talented guest contributors.
By early 2012, we started considering the possibility: What if Grid Chicago could somehow morph into Streetsblog Chicago? We already had a large readership along with good ad support from local businesses. By launching Grid Chicago we’d proven there was a demand for in-depth transportation news and analysis from two guys who’ve been walking, biking, and taking transit in the Windy City for years.
Last winter Ben started contacting people about funding the new site. In March he came to Chicago and presented at the Metropolitan Planning Council, talking about how Streetsblog makes an impact with its reporting. The momentum started to build in a serious way. Thanks to funding commitments from The Chicago Community Trust and the Rockefeller Foundation, not to mention the hard work of many people – especially Peter Skosey of the Metropolitan Planning Council and Randy Neufeld of the SRAM Cycling Fund – Streetsblog is finally coming to Chicago.
With the launch of Streetsblog Chicago, Grid Chicago will stop publishing new content, but the site will remain online as an archive. We’re looking forward to providing you with more frequent, wide-ranging coverage of the local movement for effective transit and safer streets. And by joining the Streetsblog family, our readers are going to get plugged in to transportation policy stories of national significance, and more people around the country are going to be following Chicago’s progress on walking, biking, and transit issues than ever before.
We’d like to thank Ben, Peter, Randy and all the other folks in Chicago and New York who have made this moment possible. And we want to thank you, our readers, for giving us a reason to schlep around the city attending public meetings and stay up into the wee hours banging out the next day’s posts. We’re jazzed about finally getting Streetsblog Chicago off the ground, and we couldn’t have done it without you.
So exciting!
Congratulations Grid Chicago! It’s been fun to watch/read this blog grow into the preeminent sustainable transit news-source in Chicago. Even though I now live in Pittsburgh, the quality, frequency, and passion of your reporting still has me checking in daily for new content. I’m excited for this next milestone in your growth.
Thanks for keeping us with us Sean!
good job guys!
Thanks Jason!
Congratulations guys!! I love all the work you’ve done with Grid Chicago and am so looking forward to our own Streetsblog Chicago with such in-the-know cycling guys. Kudos!
Thanks Samantha, and thanks for your great work with Ding Ding Let’s Ride! http://dingdingletsride.com
Congratulations, Steven and John, on behalf of all of my colleagues at the Metropolitan Planning Council! We’re looking forward to lots of good stuff coming from Streetsblog Chicago. http://www.metroplanning.org/news-events/blog-post/6622
Mandy, thanks for all of MPC’s work making this happen!
Congrats! Being both a reader and contributor to Grid has been a great experience. Looking forward to seeing Streetsblog Chicago develop.
Thanks Anne! You’ve been a key member of the GC roster of guest contributors and we look forward to working with you on SBC.
Congratulations! I love your Glamour Shots!
Thanks, I trimmed my winter beard for the occasion! Of course we’ve published a glamour shot of you here as well: https://gridchicago.com/2012/bike-winter-fashion-show-pretty-bikes-and-the-clothes-were-nice-too/
Congratulations! I’ve been wondering when this would happen for a while now — it was always a matter of when, not if.
Thanks Fedor!
Long time reader, first time commenter. I’d always kind of figured this move was just a matter of time. I have seriously mixed emotions because I love what you did with the top banner and the Chicago color scheme.
Thanks for all the good journalism! As a Chicago area native who splits his time between the Bay Area and Chicago, it always irked me a bit that SF had a Streetsblog and we didn’t. Hope your work at the new blog brings news of more bike infrastructure, safer streets, and better CTA service in Chicago.
Thanks Nicholas! Maybe we’ll lobby to add a small Chicago flagpole to our masthead…
Please keep doing the photo-tour style posts, which streetsblog doesnt do much of.
Thanks for the input Jass. We plan keep to keep things pretty splashy, with plenty of pix.
Well done, lads. Top darts!
Thanks John!
Fantastics news, guys. Streetsblog couldn’t have given the project to a better group of writers.
Thanks for the kind words Ryan!
Congratulations on the new street blog.
I am glad you are keeping the old articles online. In a few years they might be worth something. jk rotfl!!!
It will be interesting to see how the recent Lance Armstrong revelations affect the city’s plan on rolling out additional bike lanes. I read that the city has already given out almost 1000 tickets for marijuana.
I will be sorry to see this website go but I guess Chicago’s loss is New York’s gain. Congrats!!
Thanks Carl! Don’t worry, you’re not losing a Grid Chicago, you’re gaining a Streetsblog.
Awesome news! Congrats!
Congrats. Looking forward.
Thanks Rachel!
Way to go guys, best if luck. Streetsblog is a great network. Will be sad to see the Chicago branding go, any chance you can keep some of it?
Thanks! What aspects of the Chicago branding are you thinking of? Check out our new masthead and let us know if it’s Chicago-centric enough for you: http://chi.streetsblog.org/2013/01/17/coming-next-week-streetsblog-chicago/
Congrats guys! You’ve done really great work with Grid Chicago, and we’re looking forward to the merge with Streetsblog! Really excellent for you as well as the City! Craig Williams
Thanks Craig, and and thanks for all the great work with sustainable transportation planning you’ve done over the years. Nice job with the South Lakefront Rehab!
Congrats! I have been reading your blog for quite sometime and have enjoyed it a bunch! I’m a frequent traveler to Chgo and enjoy biking and transit while there. Wish I could be there for your launch party, that would be fun. I have a enough cold here in Iowa and try to avoid Chgo in these Months
Thanks Dave!