Introducing the Grid Chicago Network


The Grid Chicago Network is a collection of sites with a similar focus on active and sustainable transportation. Their latest posts are listed on the Network page, organized by time and date. We’ll occasionally feature these posts.

We launched it on October 26, 2011, softly, to make sure it worked okay. It does. We included a lot of the sites already listed on our links page. Once an hour, the application seeks out new posts from all of the site’s feeds and presents them in a list on the Network page. The full list of included sites is listed at the bottom of the Network page.

Recent posts in the Network were:

To get your site, or someone else’s site in the Network, fill out the form below. Contact Steven if you would like your site removed from the Network. Continue reading Introducing the Grid Chicago Network

What is Page 2?


The multi-modal Dan Ryan corridor features 16 lanes of automobile traffic and the Red Line train. Photo by Alton Parker. 

Page 2 is the “back page” of Grid Chicago. It contains articles that aren’t our daily featured articles. We try to post our daily feature article between 8 and 9 AM each weekday with some exceptions. Articles may appear on Page 2 at any time. Sometimes they’re supporting pieces to featured articles, and others are independent; you’ll even find some short opinion editorials in there. But they’re all worth checking out.

The Page 2 link is prominently featured in the top menu.

Recent articles include:

  • Today: Mia Birk’s full speech about combating misinformation (media backlash) about bike lanes. Read it.
  • A short review of what Mayor Emanuel said in his budget speech to City Council about a congestion premium tax on people who park downtown on weekdays. Read it.
  • Comparing three CTA transit trackers for Android devices. Read it.
  • A new train viaduct in the Englewood neighborhood will reduce Metra delays. Read it.
  • Let’s subsidize transit at the same rate we subsidize roads and see what happens. Read it.